Thursday, November 28, 2019

Trade In Ancient Greece Essays - Greek Mythology, Gold, Midas, Lydia

Trade In Ancient Greece When we discuss the economics of the ancient world, we must be careful not to use the formal Economics which we employ in analyzing our own society, since Economics is a function of the way a society runs, not the set of rules under which a given society operates. We cannot remove ourselves from awareness of the economic disciplines which our schools teach, and even if we formally try to suspend Economics as a framework, we retain the image of the economic framework in our language and our general pool of ideas. Yet some distancing of ourselves from modern economic theory is necessary in starting an investigation of a foreign world, in order to let the economic operations of that world display themselves in their own documentation. We must construct some kind of intellectual tabula rasa for use in studying an area which is far removed in time and from a documentary point of view relatively unknown. When we speak of Economics of the Ancient World, we usually think of the work pioneered by Rostovtzeff and his followers, of the interpretation of history from an economic point of view, and of the study of epigraphic and papyrological materials which bear on costs and commodities. But there is a much earlier layer of historical material, which strangely is incorporated in the quasi-religious cloak of Greek Mythology. When one compares the myths of ancient Greece with those of ancient India, one sees that the Indian myths are essentially spiritual in nature, while the Greek myths show a disorganized array of unconvincing religion, erratic personal histories, and what appear to be fragmented chapters in the history of the rise of civilization after the last glacial retreat. It is the thesis of this paper that parts of the early Greek, and even the pre-Greek historical record became embalmed in the Greek myths, which themselves were rigidified into literary storytelling by the time of the Hellenistic academies, and finally petrified into the "myth systems" of Apollodoros and others, before being buried by a hostile Christianity. The fact that the Greek myths were rediscovered in the Renaissance, popularized in the l8 th century throughout Europe, and re-popularized recently by several unscholarly myth-enthusiasts, gives us the feeling that we know a great deal more about Greek mythology than we do. We know most of the story-lines well, but we are largely ignorant of their original use and meaning. The familiar story of Gyges as told by Herodotos marks the appearance of a new kind of public person, someone unknown who "appears out of the earth" as the ancient saying goes, and attains power largely by virtue of being totally unseen. Gyges , a young Lydian shepherd, found a cave one day which he entered and found in it (according to Plato's account) a hollow cast-brass horse with a dead man's body inside. He discovered that the ring which he pulled off the dead man's finger made him invisible when he put it on his finger. Using this newfound power, he went to the palace of Candaules, king of Lydia, the last of a long line of Heracleid royalty, first seduced the queen, then with her help killed the king and took his place as ruler of the country. In a world of hereditary kings, the history of Gyges points to a new kind of person who gets riches and power specifically by not being seen. Working invisibly he creates a new kind of enterprise, in which "the transaction" serves as the unseen interface between buyer and seller. This opens a way for unknown people like Trimalchio in l st c. A.D. Rome (as documented in Petronius' incisive novel) who owes his fortune to a sharp eye on the abstract flow of funds, although he started life on the lowest rung of the social ladder. , For us this is a familiar pattern, many fortunes have been made in exactly the same way in modern times, one thinks of Rockefeller, Carnegie, Schliemann, Onassis, Ford and more recently the Korean Samsung company's founder, Lee Byung Cheul. However these economics dynasties of the modern world seldom produce an effective son and almost never a grandson, they are first and foremost the work of an individual who only becomes known after his empire is fully constructed. The history of Gyges has a clear meaning. Instead of inheriting vast wealth along with the title of king, this new "invisible" man grasps wealth by being perceptive and guileful, traits which throughout the ages have been proven as the best

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Art of Knowing Where to Buy Papers Written Well How to Spot a Fishy Scam

The Art of Knowing Where to Buy Papers Written Well How to Spot a Fishy Scam The Art of Knowing Where to Buy Papers Written Well: How to Spot a Fishy Scam Deciding to buy a model paper is an easy decision. The next step is deciding where to buy an academic paper. It would be a shame to waste your money on low quality writing that doesn’t meet your requirements, or the worst, a paper that contains plagiarism.   It is important to be vigilant and steer clear of fishy companies that promise the moon, but may not deliver what they say they will.   So, how can you spot a scam when deciding where to buy your paper? Here are some telltale signs: Sloppy Design and/or Errors in the Web Page A company website represents that company to the world and should be free of grammar errors, bad design and other unprofessional elements. If you see any of these when surfing the site intending to purchase a paper, beware. Consider the website quality as an accurate representation of the paper they will deliver and order accordingly.   Lack of Supervisor to Oversee the Writing Process You should investigate the structure of the writing company where you plan to buy your academic paper. Is it a one man show, or is there a team in place to offer support continually? If you should receive a paper that is unsatisfactory, do you have a means to escalate the issue to a supervisor if necessary? Companies that work in teams or beneficial to clients because they can offer more support and since they are accountable to each other, they are more likely to resolve any issues that arise. Payment Upfront This one should be seen as a red flag because you are initiating a relationship with an online company you have not built trust yet. If they ask you to pay up front, how can you be sure they will actually deliver the paper, or mediate any problems or revisions you need? Reputable writing companies will not ask for payment in advance or any other personal information, so be cautious. Poor Grammar and Incorrect or Odd Usage of English Take the time to skim sample papers and all website copy to pick up on poor grammar and odd/incorrect usage of English. If the company doesn’t bother to insure their own public facing website is perfect, you can bet they won ´t put that effort into your paper. Negative Reviews This tip is key. Research the writing company and try to read reviews from previous customers. Be sure to take note of the reviews and see if there are any odd patterns, such as all the reviews say the same thing, or the reviews are vague, or poorly written. This may be an indication the reviews are fake or were paid. Look for specific, detailed reviews of the company that give you assurance of the quality the company provides. If not, move on to another company. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and in a weird way this applies when deciding where to buy your academic essay. Take the small amount of time before hand to insure good results and avoid spending time later fixing a mess.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The influence of the US foreign policy on the prospective unification Dissertation

The influence of the US foreign policy on the prospective unification of Koreas - Dissertation Example Reports show that during 20th century, there had been various efforts to address the different issues that impeded reunification of North and South Korea. At this time it became quite clear to the stakeholders (Koreans and non-Koreans) and other experts on foreign affairs related to Korea that reunification of the two nations was an internal matter to be decided by only by the Koreans themselves. However, it was equally clear to stakeholders and experts that the US had a crucial role, both in the division and future reunification, and through various foreign policies adopted by it towards the two Koreas, the US also could play a major role in a united Korean future. Right from the start of the 20th century, the Koreans have always looked for ways to give the two countries a unified and independent framework. However, even before WW II, any such hopes of unification received a setback when in 1910 Japan forcibly conquered Korean Peninsula. When Japan was defeated at the end of WWII in 1945, there were some hopes of a Korean unification that were again destroyed by partitioning. At this time, a division was created (of a temporary nature) in order to hasten the capture of the defeated Japanese forces. This activity, which was more of a plan for collaboration during a war between different occupying forces, however, turned into game of rivalry during the post-war times and the Korean division became permanent with hopes of a reunification slowly disappearing. During the various Korean Wars that took place after the WWII there have been attempts from both sides for a forced reunification, which failed to produce any definite results. Despite the reu nification criteria, always remaining on agenda list of the Korean countries from 1953 onward, during the Cold War it was practically shelved after which the issue received very little attention. 3 The will to reunite is a strong emotion prevalent amongst both the Korean nations and is founded on the country’s long history of heritage, cultural ethnicity, and homogeneity that have created a sense of strong national unity.4 Integrated with significant influence from Chinese cultural heritage, Koreans believe in strong family ties and take deep pride in their national history and culture. Owing to this background, the Koreans still hope for a reunification, despite wars and years of tension between the two nations. Majority

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Information Systems - Essay Example In spite of maintaining a high performance on the business parameters, Comair was simply grounded for a full 3 days during the peak holiday season because it faced a highly damaging IT risk issue on December 24, 2004, when the company’s Information system for managing the scheduling of the crew and flights crashed. It is impossible for an airline to fly when its mission critical crew scheduling system fails. In case of Comair, this IT failure resulted in a loss of approx $20 million which was actually wiping out it previous quarter earning of $25.7 million. This report is a study in the Comair Information systems and highlights the gaps between the IT strategy and business strategy. The report also attempts to suggest an information system which can take care of the gaps between business and IT strategy so that such failures as mentioned above are prevented as much as possible as well as identifies the people, technology and organization issues which Comair must take into account before building a resilient information system. Comair information system was purchased from SBS international in the year 1986 after union and federal regulations forced Comair to meet higher standards in its management procedures. To comply with the regulations, Comair leased software from SBS International to track & schedule its flight crews. The system worked admirably and was a welcome relief for the staff who were managing the schedule using the pen & paper until then. As the business started growing, Comair felt a need to upgrade its information system as the existing system was written in FORTRAN for which there was no in-house expertise available. Moreover it was the only system using old IBM AIX platform compared to current HP UNIX. Following table lists down the milestones in Comair’s IT journey until Dec 24, 2004 against their business strategy. As can be clearly seen from the comparative

Monday, November 18, 2019

Discussion question week 11 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion question week 11 - Assignment Example Meeting this competency can be a challenge though not impossible. The use of knowledge of legal and ethical issues that is relevant to higher education and nursing education. It came in handy a basis for making decisions when implementing policies and procedures related to students faculty and the educational environment. The feedback from colleagues, peers, patients and administrative evaluation came in handy as far as improving role effectiveness is concerned. Open-mindedness is the key to improving individual and personal performance, and the educator role is no exception. Facing the audience with an open came in handy during my practicum. Though the fact that I had to face criticism from my audience that came as a shock. I expected reception and obedience from them. For an educator to accomplish their aims, one needs to gain their trust, and this takes a while. Practicum didn’t give me enough time. Therefore given another chance as an educator, I will maintain contact with my audience for a longer time and even follow up on their response to the knowledge they acquire. Giving attention to whether the information is relevant and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Joint Venture Analysis of Starbucks

Joint Venture Analysis of Starbucks Introduction: In 1971, Starbucks started their journey and now they are operating more than 50 countries in the world. Their total number of store is about 16,706 in 16000 locations around the world. Most of them 8850 stores are operated by the company and the rest of them are licensed store.  [1]  Globalization is a movement toward economic, financial, trade, and connections integration globally. In broader sense, globalisation implies free transfer of capital, goods, and services across around the globe. In business context, cooperation and competitiveness both are embraced by globalization. Major perceptive of depending on each other and shared responsibilities at work across company and nationwide boundaries come from idea of cooperation. The awareness developed by the idea of competitiveness that cooperation without motivation is fruitless to failure and that only practical encouragement can continuous development and growth become a normal way of life.( Globalization of business: practic e and theory by Abbas Ali) Theory of international trade: The exchange of capital, goods, services across international borders or territories is basically international trade. The crucial to the persistence of globalization is in increasing of international trade. The lacking of international trade and it caused limited goods and services produced within their own borders. There are different model of international trade for the business. Ricardian model Ricardian model mainly take in consideration on comparative advantage it is one of the most important concept in international trade theory. In this model, give importance on countries specialization in producing most excellent. The major drawback of this theory is that does not believe factor endowments like labour and capital with respective to country. Heckscher-Ohlin model The Heckscher-Ohlin theory focuses that resources required for countries producing and exporting goods. Accoding to Heckscher-Ohlin theory, a country should used most plentiful and cheapest resources in producing and exporting goods. It has some core assumption: Capital and labour flow freely between sectors Labour and capital may vary between two countries (difference in endowments) Free trade Technology is the same diagonally countries (long-term) Tastes are same.  [i]   Current situation and performance of Starbucks: Starbucks has created a global chain in market industry around the world. This company is operating more than 50 countries and their estimated turnover is about $5300 million in each year. Their main product is coffee and demand of the product is increasing globally. Starbucks cafe is very reputed and around 30 million customer visit in each week. This is one of the credit sides for the Starbucks.  [2]  Currently Starbucks seems a rising part of their business and is going to become a leading global organisation in the world. Companys global market capturing and their effectiveness in ventures made them successful in achieving organizational goals. There are many countries where are operating their business. These are: Australia, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, United Kingdom, and the United States, Bahrain, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, Oman, and Peoples Republic of China, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sou th Korea, and Switzerland. Their way of attracting customer attention is very important for the business to become worldwide brand that actually helping them to manage partnership of reputed company. This is positive side for Starbucks to move in future and its international market developments. This is one of the strengths for to be a foremost coffee retailer around the world.  [3]   Human resource management evaluation: Human resource management plays an important role in the organisation by managing human resource inside the organisation. In order to improve skills of employees requires learning. It does not matter how the candidate is, they can be best or 100% qualified. It can be solved by human resource management by implementing learning management system. (Beardwell Holden, 1997). Every employee should have the knowledge about the various processes that they can develop skill in specified area. They need to respond 100% in their job. Thats why human resource management and normal management need to cooperate with each other. The companys principle rules mainly focus on employees and how to guide them according to mission of the organisation. Moreover, Starbucks gives facilities to their employees by creating good work environment as well as treat with them with friendly. Starbucks also provide training to their employees for the enhancement of knowledge, attitudes and skills that they need to perform task supplied by the employer. Starbucks also motivate their employee to perform task well. They also informed to their employees about everything. Employees are also capable to work under pressure easily. They also evaluate their employees through various programs as well as developed their employees to compete globally. When they recruit people newly then they must provide training for them.  [4]   External environment analysis (opportunities and threats): Starbucks is operating in more than 30 countries around the globe including United States by Joint venture, licensing and entirely owned. For subsidiary company needs a lot of training, supervising, management assistance and technology transfer for the partner. Product innovation is very effective for them and it came out with new products. Starbucks also focused on diversification. It also entered into alliances with different company to serve coffee. International Business Expansion Strategies of Starbucks: Subsidiary Starbucks Coffee International Inc. started its journey as subsidiary of Starbucks which was formed in 1995.As a subsidiary it is liable to introduce improvement challenges beyond North America which combines stores planning and financing, logics and operational management, merchandising of business, improvisation of skilled and matured mangers of Starbucks international (Kotha and Glassman 2003) and introducing new strategy of business development. The international courses of expansion and strategies are managed by the International Starbucks as a separate owned subsidiary. Two strategies are followed when introducing in a brand new market. Licensing and joint venture are the chosen two. International Joint Venture The joint venture introduces a strategy towards managerial liabilities .A strategy for new business entity comes with shared ownership which is implied by two or more farms. The agenda of venture strategy is mostly for short time period with some particular quoted mottoes. Starbucks (Briscoe and Schuler 2004) is an example of adopting such strategy in business internationally.(Schuler et al 2003) Two or more parent farms which deeply invest resources as well as financial momentum to convince particular aims that introduced International joint ventures(IJVs) which are different organizational entities both in legal and economical perspectives. Joint venture introduces a strategy towards managerial liabilities .A strategy for new business entity comes with shared ownership which is implied by two or more farms. The agenda of venture strategy is mostly for short time period with some particular quoted mottoes. Starbucks (Briscoe and Schuler 2004) is an example of adopting such strategy in business internationally.(Schuler et al 2003) Two or more parent farms which deeply invest resources as well as financial momentum to convince particular aims that introduced International joint ventures(IJVs) which are different organizational entities both in legal and economical perspectives. Manufacturing and foreign joint venture; licensing and joint venture; franchising and joint venture are example of combination market entry strategies. Licensing and joint ventures are the strategies that applied with Starbucks international. Mostly the stores located in USA are owned under corporation, other than USA the stores are under corporation or owned partially in joint ventures (Alexandrides and Bowers2005). Licensing Manufacturing or marketing someones good(s) for international business success depends on licensing rights. The basic way of entering in new location of business through showing positivity to the binding of contract .Such as; licensing the goods, technology help to other farm and absolute services. In return for royalty payment; the corporation sells a particular right to introduce and advertise the good under these criteria. Starbucks does not need to undertake any monetary actions for partnership investment under this particular method. It is an amicable way to get access in international market. Starbucks can also benefit from granting license to a licensee that is more familiar with the market.  [5]   Entry strategies in action: Strategic alternative options for Starbucks: Having analysed the external and internal forces of Starbucks it is now possible to generate three possible future strategic decisions. These strategies will be analysed thoroughly before one of them is recommended as the best way forward. The options I have chosen to analyse are Diversification, Mergers and Expansion. If a business is in diversification, it starts making new products or contribution new services. Businesses can diversify in two ways; related and unrelated. I propose Starbucks attempt related diversification; by this I mean diversification reflecting some connection with the organisations activities. Starbucks is successful in appropriate development method or not: The path chosen by Starbucks is the appropriate way to expand the business globally considering every aspects and expertise of the business. Strategy like licensing and joint venture helped to uplift the quality and service of Starbucks. As mentioned earlier Starbucks adopts the partnership method with a local experienced farm. This method delivers vast opportunities to scrutinise the local consumers more closely. As a result it was easy to cope up with the local consumers expectations and inject success in the business. Alternative methods might be suitable for the company: Strategy like franchising or cross-selling can be elected by Starbucks when entering in a new region. It is more licensing alike. Company like McDonalds which represents the perfect example of franchising. In the scenario of McDonalds, the real company allows franchising terms to other current farms to deliver their goods. Other than North America every business of Starbucks is owned partially. On the other hand, McDonalds is a representation of franchising which is owned by separate corporations. Starbucks may adopt method like franchising. In the franchising method, the relation is more parallel between both parties. In this strategy the franchisee is more controlled by the franchisor. Starbucks use of different methods in different markets: While entering markets the strategy may vary place to place. Before making any further entry to a new market a company must keep certain countable factors to make the investment successful. Internal as well as external facts should not be ignored. Starbucks does assessments like ethical, economical, sociological, industrial positioning and other factors. There are three important groups of facts which are assessed prior accessing in a new market. Environment of business in that very country, environment of home country and important factors of company are the must do three. Political stability of business, conditions like macroeconomics, potentiality of resources, size of the market and internal economical relation are included in host country environment. Factors like expansion of foreign economy, conditions of market and government positivity towards foreign exchange are included in host country environment. Resources of company and capabilities of the farm are included under compa ny specific environment. Development Mode can be combined with other Expansion Methods: Starbucks believes to accumulate different methods to inject success in the business. It adopts the licensing strategy to ensure the quality of the product and services are good enough to please the consumers. Licensing is the way of expanding and at the same time; joint venture applies for the growth or development of the business. Starbucks scrutinises the external countable factors at the entry level of new locations. On the basis of three must do assessments; it considers the strategies that should be undertaken. The best locations and targets are chosen on the result of the analytical assessments. The success of the business depends on the entry level strategy and operation of assessments. The success of the business does not only a result of best location; it is also a accumulated events of proper planning, entry level operation and funding. The home country methods generally come along with the strategies named Corporate and business level.  [6]   Starbucks joint venture and strategic alliance: Starbucks need for joint ventures and strategic alliance to move forward: In 2004, Starbucks was operating in more than 25 countries but now they are operating more than 50 countries around the glove. There are many advantages in being part of a joint venture. Through joint ventures it is possible to gather knowledge about the countrys culture, language, political system, and business systems.  [7]  They are already holding strong joint ventures with good strategic alliance in different countries in the world. They have established strong reputed brand image of their product. They are now getting full culture support from different countries by understanding the need for people, which reflect their good strategy in business. If we compare with the current market situation, we found that their consumptions of coffee is around 50% in Europe with in big tradition of coffee consumption in people And they are good in gaining market share. In Asian market coffee consumption is around 15% with high market impending. Starbucks dont need joint expansion of vent ures because of high dominating power in current international market with established brand name and image. They have huge manpower as well and high standing reputation in the market and they dont need to spend more on advertising.  [8]   Starbucks are now as a top level company in the world and also they are paying high salaries and benefits to their employees. Further if they will go for joint venture their might have the possibility of losing customers. Employees who they are working now do not feel to leave because their way of treating is very friendly with employees by maintaining high standard. They already have strong strategies and good product innovation system because of good holdings in the market. Starbucks are now selling ice cream outside of their different stores and super markets; they are getting good response from there, just because of their established brand name. Starbucks are continuously developing their strategies for running business in different countries around the globe and with high effectiveness. They are also spending more on value chain recruitment and payment to customer service. Starbucks are now finding new locations for the business and their business plans, mission, aims and corporate social responsibilities these all they doing from the part of good strategy they have. Without these they cant move forward and cannot be competitive in the market as well. Factors that can lead to Starbucks success: Innovation Through inducing of environmental friendly products Customer safety maintain Store facilities should be improved Some steps should be taken on-Need employee motivation through incentives and job satisfaction as well. The location of their company must be strategic. They also need to improve corporate social responsibilities though helping farmers in their livelihood as well as their houses, irrigation system etc. The company have focus on pricing strategies by comparing demand of product. They will have to focus on neglected customer and need research on tea speciality market.  [9]   Conclusion: Starbucks has now become leading multi-national company in the world by operating more than 50 countries in the world though establishing a leading global brand. Globally they are established and running their business effectively. They also change the concept of coffee shop into different manner like it can be meeting place, dating place or business place. My research: In 1971, Starbucks started their journey and now they are operating more than 50 countries in the world. Their total number of store is about 16,706 in 16000 locations around the world. Most of them 8850 stores are operated by the company and the rest of them are licensed store. In 2004, Starbucks was operating in more than 25 countries but now they are operating more than 50 countries around the glove. There are many advantages in being part of a joint venture. Through joint ventures it is possible to gather knowledge about the countrys culture, language, political system, and business systems. They are now getting full culture support from different countries by understanding the need for people, which reflect their good strategy in business. If we compare with the current market situation, we found that their consumptions of coffee is around 50% in Europe with in big tradition of coffee consumption in people And they are good in gaining market share. In Asian market coffee consump tion is around 15% with high market impending. Starbucks are now as a top level company in the world and also they are paying high salaries and benefits to their employees. Further if they will go for joint venture their might have the possibility of losing customers. Employees who they are working now do not feel to leave because their way of treating is very friendly with employees by maintaining high standard. They already have strong strategies and good product innovation system because of good holdings in the market. Starbucks are continuously developing their strategies for running business in different countries around the globe and with high effectiveness. They are also spending more on value chain recruitment and payment to customer service. Starbucks are now finding new locations for the business and their business plans, mission, aims and corporate social responsibilities these all they doing from the part of good strategy they have. Without these they cant move forward a nd cannot be competitive in the market as well. To be successful in future Starbucks should focus on employee motivation through incentives and their job satisfaction as well. The location of their company must be strategic. They also need to improve corporate social responsibilities though helping farmers in their livelihood as well as their houses, irrigation system etc. The company have focus on pricing strategies by comparing demand of product.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Relationship Building as Means for Prevention of Behavior Problems in S

Many children come to school with behavior problems that impede their learning and disrupt the the learning of other children. As early as preschool as many as twenty-five percent of children demonstrate problematic behaviors which place them at risk for future negative school experiences (Conroy, M., Sutherland, K., Haydon, T., Stormont, M., & Harmon, J, 2009). These children exhibit aggression, defiance, bullying of others, poor work habits, and acting out in class. Overtime these behaviors become chronic for some students and cyclical patterns of poor behavior, reactionary discipline, failed relationships with staff and peers, low self-esteem, and poor academic performance plague these children. Many teachers feel frustrated as they spend the majority of their classroom management time on the same few children each day. This ongoing anger and frustration further isolates these students from their teachers. Attempts to teach expectations and proper school behaviors fail. These stud ent frequently become problem students each year. Over the course of several years these students begin to see themselves as failures and actively begin self-sabotaging behaviors leading to a permanent loss of academic achievement of a lifetime of low self-esteem. Many children with severe behavior problems have significant emotional trauma, serious emotional losses, and deficits in social skills. These problems never offically diagnosed or professionally treated despite their effects on the children. Children with chronically challenging behavior frequently come with a history of abuse or neglect. They often come from homes with significant instability or a chaotic environment. Often their parents have histories of drug abuse or mental illness. Acco... ...ocial Interactions in Head Start Classrooms and Early Reading, Mathematics, and Approaches to Learning. School Psychology Review, 40(1), 39-56. Conroy, M., Sutherland, K., Haydon, T., Stormont, M., & Harmon, J. (2009). Preventing and Ameliorating Young Children's Chronic Problem Behaviors: An Ecological Classroom-Based Approach. Psychology In The Schools, 46(1), 3-17. Gest, S. D., & Gest, J. M. (2005). Reading Tutoring for Students at Academic and Behavioral Risk: Effects on Time-On-Task in the Classroom. Education & Treatment Of Children (ETC), 28(1), 25-47. Matheson, A., & Shriver, M. D. (2005). Training Teachers to Give Effective Commands: Effects on Student Compliance and Academic Behaviors. School Psychology Review, 34(2), 202-219. Sitler, H. (2009). Teaching with Awareness: The Hidden Effects of Trauma on Learning. Clearing House, 82(3), 119-123.